IDEA is a European Business and Innovation Centre (BIC). It offers advice and support to up-and-coming entrepreneurs and young innovative companies (Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes, or JEI) keen to launch and nurture their project. Lme’s main goal is to encourage the growth of the concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, design and creativity.
Activities are organized on different sites in the Cœur de Hainaut Area :
- Business Centres
- Meeting Rooms
- Offices Renting
- Creative and Meeting Place (Camp)
- Let’s go for coworking!
Business Plan / Set-up
Setting up a business is an exciting and rewarding challenge, but above all, it is a process that involves all sorts of different elements. The analysis work done by IDEA’s Business Developers is based on the desire to help entrepreneurs and JEIs make their business a success.
In practical terms, this support is structured around the following stages:
At IDEA, the first appointment is always free and gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to present and explain their idea in full.
- Organizing ideas
- Business Model
- Business Plan
- Funding
- Coaching Pitch
- Public Incentives and Grants
- Innovation
- Networking and sharing experiences